Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Welcome to the Gravitas Facility Archives!

As mandated by Government Order KL-31, shady research facilities are required to submit all documents to the public record. With that in mind these digital archives are here to allow the public a glimpse into the peak of scientific development that is the Gravitas Facility.

Please note that we are within our rights to redact any information we deem to be of sensitive matter, and requests for further information regarding redactions will be denied.

Notice: Due to an unforeseen incident involving a Gravitas Facility reactor meltdown resulting in the ejection of a sizable chunk of the Earth, maintenance for this website may be slower than usualIn addition, visitors may experience repeated and rapid shifting of the site's infrastructure. This is normal behavior and can be safely ignored. This is not caused by temporal fluxes, and any site administrators claiming such should be referred to Director Stern immediately.

Addendum: Recently there has been an undocumented phenomena resulting in the physical archives occasionally being encased in Neutronium. While we strive for efficacy in excavation, there may be times where updates are scarce.
We apologize for this in advance, but rest assured everything is under control and going according to plan.