Stress Reaction: Ugly Crier
Overjoyed Response: Balloon Artist
Abes are sweet, delicate flowers. They need to be treated gingerly, with
great consideration for their feelings.
Stress Reaction: Vomiter
Overjoyed Response: Balloon Artist
Adas enjoy writing poetry in their downtime. Dark poetry.
Stress Reaction: Ugly Crier
Overjoyed Response: Sticker Bomber
Aris tend to space out from time to time, but they always pay attention
when it counts.
Stress Reaction: Binge Eater
Overjoyed Response: Sparkle Streaker
Ashkans have what can only be described as a "seriously infectious
Stress Reaction: Destructive
Overjoyed Response: Super Productive
The "cool loner" vibes that radiate off a Banhi never fail to
make the colony swoon.
Stress Reaction: Binge Eater
Overjoyed Response: Sticker Bomber
This Bubbles is constantly challenging others to fight her, regardless
of whether or not she can actually take them.
Stress Reaction: Binge Eater
Overjoyed Response: Sticker Bomber
This Burt always feels great after a bubble bath and a good long cry.
Stress Reaction: Vomiter
Overjoyed Response: Sticker Bomber
This Camille loves anything that makes her feel nostalgic, including
things that haven't aged well.
Stress Reaction: Vomiter
Overjoyed Response: Super Productive
A Catalina is admired by all for her seemingly tireless work ethic.
Little do people know, she's dying on the inside.
Stress Reaction: Binge Eater
Overjoyed Response: Super Productive
This Devon dreams of owning their own personal computer so they can
start a blog full of pictures of toast.
Stress Reaction: Destructive
Overjoyed Response: Sticker Bomber
Nothing makes an Ellie happier than a big tin of glitter and a pack of
unicorn stickers.
Stress Reaction: Destructive
Overjoyed Response: Sparkle Streaker
There’s nothing Frankies are more proud of than their thick, dignified
Stress Reaction: Vomiter
Overjoyed Response: Sparkle Streaker
Gossmans are major goofballs who can make anyone laugh.
Stress Reaction: Binge Eater
Overjoyed Response: Balloon Artist
Get a bunch of Harolds together in a room, and you'll have... a bunch of
Harolds together in a room.
Stress Reaction: Ugly Crier
Overjoyed Response: Sparkle Streaker
If someone says something nice to a Harold he'll think about it nonstop
for no less than three weeks.
Stress Reaction: Destructive
Overjoyed Response: Sparkle Streaker
Just because Jeans are a little slow doesn't mean they can't suffer from
soul-crushing existential crises.
Stress Reaction: Ugly Crier
Overjoyed Response: Sticker Bomber
Joshuas are precious goobers. Other Duplicants are strangely incapable
of cursing in a Joshua's presence.
Stress Reaction: Binge Eater
Overjoyed Response: Sparkle Streaker
Leiras just want everyone to be happy.
Stress Reaction: Vomiter
Overjoyed Response: Super Productive
Not matter how much this Liam scrubs, he can never truly feel clean.
Stress Reaction: Ugly Crier
Overjoyed Response: Sticker Bomber
A Lindsay is a charming woman, unless you make the mistake of messing
with one of her friends.
Stress Reaction: Vomiter
Overjoyed Response: Super Productive
There is nothing a Mae can't do if she sets her mind to it.
Stress Reaction: Ugly Crier
Overjoyed Response: Sparkle Streaker
This Marie is positively glowing! What's her secret? Radioactive
isotopes, of course.
Stress Reaction: Ugly Crier
Overjoyed Response: Balloon Artist
At any given moment a Max is viscerally reliving ten different humiliating
Stress Reaction: Destructive
Overjoyed Response: Sparkle Streaker
Meeps have a face only a two tonne Printing Pod could love.
Stress Reaction: Vomiter
Overjoyed Response: Super Productive
Ol’ Mi-Ma here can’t stand lookin’ at people’s knees.
Stress Reaction: Ugly Crier
Overjoyed Response: Balloon Artist
People often expect a Duplicant named "Nails" to be tough, but
they're all pretty huge wimps.
Stress Reaction: Destructive
Overjoyed Response: Super Productive
This Nikola once claimed he could build a laser so powerful it would rip
the colony in half. No one asked him to prove it.
Stress Reaction: Destructive
Overjoyed Response: Super Productive
This Nisbet likes to punch people to show her affection. Everyone's too
afraid of her to tell her it hurts.
Stress Reaction: Vomiter
Overjoyed Response: Balloon Artist
Ottos always insult people by accident and generally exist in a
perpetual state of deep regret.
Stress Reaction: Vomiter
Overjoyed Response: Balloon Artist
Every Ren has this unshakable feeling that his life's already happened
and he's just watching it unfold from a memory.
Stress Reaction: Binge Eater
Overjoyed Response: Sticker Bomber
Rowans have exceptionally large hearts and express their emotions most
efficiently by yelling.
Stress Reaction: Binge Eater
Overjoyed Response: Balloon Artist
This Ruby asks the pressing questions, like "Where can I get a
leather jacket in space?”
Stress Reaction: Vomiter
Overjoyed Response: Balloon Artist
This Stinky has never been invited to a party, which is a shame. His
dance moves are incredible.
Stress Reaction: Vomiter
Overjoyed Response: Balloon Artist
A Travaldo’s monotonous voice and lack of facial expression makes it
impossible for others to tell when he's messing with them.
Stress Reaction: Binge Eater
Overjoyed Response: Sparkle Streaker
This Turner is paralyzed by the knowledge that others have memories and
perceptions of them they can't control.