Experiment 7-D
Security Code: B111

Subject: #762, "Hibiscus-3"
Adult female, 42cm, 257g

Donor: #650, "Hibiscus"
Adult female, 42cm, 257g

Hypothesis: Subjects cloned from Hibiscus will correctly operate a lever apparatus when introduced, demonstrating retention of original donor's conditioned memories.

Donor subject #650, "Hibiscus", conditioned to pull a lever to the right for a reward (almonds). Conditioning took place over a period of two weeks.

Hibiscus quickly learned that pulling the lever to the left produced no results, and was reliably demonstrating the desired behavior by the end of the first week.

Training continued for one additional week to strengthen neural pathways and ensure the intended behavioral conditioning was committed to long term and muscle memory.

Cloning subject #762, "Hibiscus-3", was introduced to the lever apparatus to ascertain memory retention and recall.

Hibiscus-3 showed no signs of recognition and did not perform the desired behavior. Subject initially failed to interact with the apparatus on any level.

On second introduction, Hibiscus-3 pulled the lever to the left.
Conclusion: Printed subject retains no memory from donor.