I've been so tired lately. I've probably spent the last 3 nights sleeping at my desk, and I've used the lab's safety shower to bathe twice already this month.
We're technically on schedule, but for some reason Director Stern has been breathing down my neck to get these new products ready for market.
Normally I'd be mad about the added pressure on my work, but something in the Director's voice tells me that time is of the essence.
I keep finding myself staring at my computer screen, totally unable to remember what it was I was doing.
I try to force myself to type up some notes or analyze my data but it's like my brain is paralyzed, I can't get anything done.
I'll have to stay late to make up for all this time I've wasted staying late.
Dr. Broussard told me I looked half dead and sent me home today. I don't think she even has the authority to do that, but I did as I was told. She wasn't messing around if you know what I mean.
I can probably get a head start on my paper from home today, anyway.
I think I have an idea for a circuit configuration that will improve the battery life of all our technologies by a whole 2.3%.
I got home yesterday fully intending to work on my paper after Broussard sent me home, but the second I walked in the door I hit the pillow and didn't get back up. I slept for12 straight hours.
I had no idea I needed that. When I got into the lab this morning I looked over my work from the past few weeks, and realized it's completely useless.
It'll take me hours to correct all the mistakes I made these past few months. Is this what I was killing myself for? I'm such a rube, I owe Broussard a huge thanks.
I'll start keeping more regular hours from now on... Also, I was considering maybe getting a dog.